2024年6月11日 星期二

2024 06 11 左永安 顧問/講師/委員 人生意義 人生會迷路通常是因為兩個原因:不知道要去哪裡,和忘記了為何出發。 People are lost in life for two reasons: they don't know where they're going, or they forget why they set out on the journey in the first place.


2024 06 11 左永安 顧問/講師/委員 人生意義 人生會迷路通常是因為兩個原因:不知道要去哪裡,和忘記了為何出發。 People are lost in life for two reasons: they don't know where they're going, or they forget why they set out on the journey in the first place.



  不知道要去哪裡,和    忘記了為何出發

People are lost in life for two reasons: 

they don't know where they're going, or

they forget why they set out on the journey  in the first place.

